The directives governing final theses, Directive SP No. 1/2021 - Directive on Supervision, Development and Publication of Final Theses at the College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Directive SP No. 5/2017 - Directive for Preventing Plagiarism at the College of Polytechnics Jihlava, and Directive SP No. 1/2020 - Final State Examinations Directive are available in the attached files at the bottom of this page.
The thesis topic must be current and consistent with the field of study of Clinical Social Worker.
The schedule for final theses is based on the academic calendar for the academic year. The current schedule for this semester is available for download in the attached file at the bottom of this page.
The bachelor's thesis is an original, independently written work. By completing their thesis, the student will demonstrate the ability to work with printed and electronic professional sources, apply acquired knowledge and experience and write a coherent academic text. During the thesis defence, the student must demonstrate to the committee an understanding of the topic and familiarity with the field the ability to justify and explain the conclusions of their work in all relevant contexts and persuasively defend them.
To be eligible for the thesis defence, the student must meet all the requirements for successful completion of their studies, as specified in the Study and Examination Regulations of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava. The document is available for download in the attached files at the bottom of this page or here.
📄 Thesis Template - Department of Social Work 2024 (.docx)
📄 Registration Schedule for Final State Examination SS24_25 – Social Work in Mental Health Care (.pdf)
📄 Registration Schedule for Final State Examination SS24_25 – Clinical Social Care (.pdf)
📄 Final State Examination Directive SP 2-2024 (.pdf)
📄 Guidelines for Writing Academic Texts – Head of the Department 2024 (.pdf)
📄 Thesis Cover Page Template
📄 Sample Presentation for Defence
📄 Ethical Code of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava
📄 Study and Examination Regulations
📄 Directive for Preventing Plagiarism
📄 Directive on Supervision, Development, and Publication of Final Theses at the College
📄 Title Page of Bachelor's Thesis
📄 Title Page of Bachelor's Thesis – Full Title
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Phone: +420 567 141 111
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Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181