Department of social work
Publikováno: 19. 4. 2022 07:58
Autor: Mgr. Martina Černá, Ph.D.

Health and Social Care, Bc.

Curriculum and its structure

The courses are divided into compulsory, obligatory and elective courses. They may be completed by credit, graded credit or examination. The following teaching methods are used in the teaching of the courses: lectures, seminars and tutorials. Specific teaching methods are professional practice and excursions. A total of at least 180 credits must be obtained during the period of study, of which 168 credits must be obtained from compulsory and compulsory elective courses (foreign language I-IV and one course in a foreign language) and 12 credits from elective courses.

Mandatory subjects

For successful completion of the study, it is necessary to pass all the following compulsory courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics in Health and Social Work, General Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychological Training, Introduction to Psychotherapy, Crisis Intervention, Sociology, Social Policy I, Social Policy II, Social Services, Introduction to Legal Theory and Practice I, Introduction to Legal Theory and Practice II, Introduction to Legal Theory and Practice III, Fundamentals of Health Legislation, Methods and Techniques of Social Research, Demography, Fundamentals of Statistics, Theory of Social Work, Methods and Techniques of Social Work, Community and Field Social Work, Counselling Process, Social Work with Children and Families, Social Psychological Training I-II, Introduction to Psychotherapy, Crisis Intervention, Social Services, Issues of Minority Groups, Social Pathology, Basic Anatomy and Physiology, Ethics in Health and Social Work, Theory of Nursing, First Aid, Basic Health Legislation, Selected Chapters from Law, Health and Disease, Fundamentals of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Fundamentals of Management, Community and Field Social Work, Public Health, Fundamentals of Informatics, Demography, Fundamentals of Statistics, Seminar for Bachelor Thesis, Special Education. 

Mandatory electives 

Mandatory electives include English I-IV and, for full-time students, one course in a foreign language, such as Social Work, Communication and Other Soft Skills for Assisting Professions, or International Social Work Week.

Elective courses

From the range of elective courses, students choose in a way that enables them to achieve the required total of at least 180 credits at the end of their studies, of which 168 credits are from compulsory (P) and compulsory elective (PV) courses. Students must therefore choose a minimum of 6 elective courses. Students may enrol in any number of sport activities during their studies, with each activity being valued at one credit.

List of electives: Video Interaction Training, Selected Chapters in Social Policy, Selected Chapters in Law, Introduction to Qualitative Research, Special Therapies in Social Work, Palliative Care, Planning and Design, Social Work with Addicts, Sign Language, Fundamentals of Management, Nursing Practices of ZSP, Social Competency Development Course, Introduction to Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Memory Training.

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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